Exploring our energy field to make it all work for us.

Noetic Balance
The Noetic Field of energy around us reflects our physical, emotional, mental, archetypal, and spiritual dimensions. When we are faced with events less than the love we want or strictly traumatic events, we try to find an explanation of how and why could that happen to us. More importantly, we decide something about ourselves, intending to prevent the event from happening again.  

If I hide, I will be safe. If I constantly try to please others I will be loved. I’ll better close up, so no one will hurt me again.   

With what we knew at the time, we implemented those decisions for our protection - and they probably did so - conforming our belief system, which gives birth to judgments of right and wrongdoing or ideas about how we are - forming blocks in the energy field around the body that the practitioner can detect.

As we gain further experiences, rather connected to freedom, creativity, our dreams and a sense of purpose; what we told ourselves to prevent our suffering, is no longer supportive - on the contrary, there is an inner disharmony that can manifest in many ways and effects.

During a Balancing session, the blocks can be deconstructed and the client can bring their beliefs up to date and even to take a look at the causes for the situation or circumstance that prompted them to take the balance. In doing so and by a gentle process, energy that was stored inside the block, is released. As examples, discomfort, clouded situations, unclarity of personal direction, reactivity, stress, self doubt, release of traumatic memories, recurring shame or judgment are liberated, making room for what the client really wants to have more of in their life.

Because the effects are subtle but powerful, I recommend a lapse between one balance and another.

The treatment intends to get to greater self-love, freeing the potential that lies inside of each person who - in my opinion - is born to bring into the world the beauty and greatness they indeed have inside.  

I invite you to go to the Testimonials page of the Navigation Menu.
They speak for themselves.

A Noetic Balance usually takes around 1 hr and 30 min and it can be done in-person or online via Zoom.
After their balance, some clients want to have another one. I suggest to wait at least 1 month for it. Many of my clients have yearly balances.
The cost is USD $175 .

Because this website is still in construction, please call or email me (below) to schedule a session.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Both Noetic Balancing or the Advice I offer are not psychological counseling or medical care and they are not a substitute for it. Also they are not financial or legal advice.


Sylvia Giussani, D.S.S.

Doctor of Spiritual Science, Noetic Balancer, Spiritual Ministerial Counseling, Control Kinesiology Technique Practitioner

My fields of study are Resonance, the Alignment of Heart, Mind and the Innate Spirit, and Heart-Math Trauma Sensitivity .

Through the  Noetic Balance - developed by Dr. Robert D. Waterman, EdD, LPCC, Founder and President Emeritus of Southwestern College - I engage with the client to clear unbalances or blocks in their energy fields that hold reactive judgment, constructed or adopted beliefs, in response to challenging or traumatic events in life or in the client's life history. Those beliefs and judgments - taken as distorted ways to assign responsibility, have modeled how the client perceives, what they see, what things mean to them,  how they react and respond, how they make their choices and how they meet life events - As a Balancer, I have been trained to deconstruct these energy fields and offer them to the client’s attention, so they can update them, reconcile or change them, accessing greater possibilities for their greater good. I have an empathic, understanding and compassionate way that brings my own enthusiasm and loving to the balancing session.

The Spiritual Ministerial Counseling I offer is based on my studies and practice as Doctor of Spiritual Science (D.S.S.) with a Post-Grade in Ministerial Spiritual Counseling with Dr John-Roger, D.S.S. This combines ancient knowledge and modern techniques and methods, under the holistic and quantum scope of multidimensionality.

Clients are addressed from a spiritual perspective, meaning this includes their spiritual attributes as well as their archetypal, mental, emotional and physical life.

The advice is geared to gently stopping the cycle and reactiveness of cause and effect in the way that the client presents it, while fostering gradually but constantly the attributes and integrity of their whole being, which is good by nature.

I have dedicated a little over the last 30 years to study, practice and service to this subject and I would be so glad to connect with you and to share the fantastic discovery, transformation and unfoldment that each of us can bring about, particularly in these times of newness and possibility.

Looking forward to meeting you.

Warmly, Sylvia.

For every level of

Noetic Balance

In-person or online via Zoom
USD 175

In-person or online via Zoom
By Loving Donation

Recommended Tools

Determined on a case by case basis.