Classes - Learn to Meditate
Sylvia Giussani, D.S.S.
by John-Roger, D.S.S.
I conduct meditative 40 min to 1 hr sessions where I teach to meditate. They are safe and very loving meetings in a home-like setting that can be attended in-person or online via Zoom.
After the teaching and practice part, attendees will have some time to make questions or to share about their experience of that day’s meditation.
In-person participants can plan on staying after the class, for a cup of tea and some cookies.
The class has no cost although I will gladly accept loving donations.
- How to do a centering process and to make ourselves available to the presence of Living Love.
- How to sensitize ourselves to that presence as part of ourselves and us as part of It. How to work with it.
- How to use colors and movement in meditation, and the attribute and quality of each color, that can be used for healing, balancing, clearing, using it as a guide and intention and much more.
- Sacred tones that can be used to chant with different scopes: Attunement and uplifting | Greater energy |Healing | Balancing thoughts and emotions to move into action.
Scientists at the HeartMath Institute have proven that the heart has cells that have more intelligence than any cell in the brain. They have also measured and conducted studies to announce that by one of the most ancient techniques the rhythm of the heart and the brain can be synchronized to produce fast, effective and secure results for releasing, quieting, letting go of stress and leading you after the meditation, into a sense of wellbeing and peace.
That ancient technique is: The rhythm of your own breath!
I conduct meditative gatherings for 1 hr or more (depending on how large is the group) that can be attended in-person or online via Zoom.
The setting is quite informal with an accent on welcoming, creating a safe space, being amongst people akin and sharing.
We start the gathering by doing a centering process and invocation of Living Love to then place our prayers and requests in that Presence, always keeping in mind the best for each one involved.
Then we use one of the meditation techniques described in the section Learn to Meditate. After a few minutes of meditation there will be a guided visualization or meditation.
In-person participants can plan on staying for a cup of tea and some cookies.
The class has no cost although I will gladly accept loving donations.
Please email me (below) to schedule.